Monday, 5 October 2009


She holds innocence to ransom
while thick ropey harpoons of self hatred
spring from her heart and pin me in place

Her secret mechanized tin can laughter
pitched at the appropriate frequency
generates pulses of infectious pain and rage

The power hungry velvet cloak of vengeance
breathes forward and consumes our time and space hidden away

Giant scaly price tag labeled spider legged tentacles
burst out and dig hard into the ground elevating her
ready for the next stage


Cleverly disguised crystallized shards of splintered words
spit past her perfect lips
Sprays of serrated consonants and vowels
pierce skin and burrow deep into my heart

The solid black core of this superficial princess
bubbles and boils over oozing past her hips
Blistering spurts and gushes of oily manipulation
twists truth and seeps deep into my mind, tearing me apart

Construction of a formation
that is deemed fit for controlled activation
is bestowed upon me


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